Menugreat v1.4.2
Menugreat v1.4.2
New features:
- Store Cover photo feature has been provided in the store to improve store view. Now a banner will be displayed in each store.
- Now customers can show discounts on that store. Customers can copy these codes and apply them for discounts.
- Now customers can save their credit card for future use. Customers can easily remove a saved card and add a new card.
- Improved mobile responsiveness to different views.
Bug fixes:
- User cloud be registered with invalid email. (MEN-81)
- Pop-up user menu remained visible even after navigating to another page. (MEN-83)
- All expanded addresses were hidden while hiding an address. (MEN-84)
- Menugreat accepted the same name in multiple addresses on my profile page. (MEN-85)
- Menugreat was showing the wrong opening date (MEN-66)
- Calculation was showing wrong when quantity increasing for a combo item. (MEN-74)