ORO POS 1.5.5_36
ORO POS 1.5.5_36
New features:
- Pizza Explorer has been renamed to ‘Pizza & Subs’.
- Added Sub sandwich support. To create sub, open ‘Pizza & Subs’ and then click on ‘New Sub’.
- Added multiple selection and deletion options for pizza item size and crust. Go to backoffice -> Explorers -> Pizza & Sub -> Edit a pizza item. Now User can select and delete multiple sizes and crusts in the Edit Pizza Item dialog.
- Added a new ‘Copy price to other modifiers’ button in the edit menu modifier dialog. Go to Backoffice -> Explorers -> Pizza & Sub -> Select modifier tab -> Select & edit a modifier. The user can copy the price of one modifier to another modifier by clicking this “Copy price to other modifiers” button.
- Added a ‘New Sub’ button to create a sub sandwich in the Pizza & Sub Explorer.