- Now refresh the cache button blinks when cache refresh is needed.
- Refund receipt can now be printed.
- Added support to undo ticket item voiding.
- Simplified payout option. The payout can be done by selecting ‘Payout’ from extra functionalities window.
- Now refresh the cache button blinks when cache refresh is needed.
- Some changes in settlement screen layout
Bug fixes:
- Calculation error occurs in the total amount when clicking ticket discount in payment window. (OR-1143)
- There is no character limit in business shift name field. (OR-1457)
- Default price pagination didn’t work properly when searching item after click on next button several times. (OR-1458)
- Ticket is missing when login by different user. (OR-1469)
- An exception message was throwing when set null price in pizza item. (OR-1471)
- Price could be negative in pizza explorer. (OR-1478)
- An error message was showing when set null size in inch in pizza explorer. (OR-1479)
- Forcefully item was deleted/added in price list. (OR-1480)
- Overlapping occurred in server productivity report. (OR-1484)
- Overlapping occurs in payment received report. (OR-1485)
- Overlapping occurs in weekly payroll report. (OR-1487)
- Overlapping errors in session summary report. (OR-1489)
- Inconsistent behavior occurred when deleting attributes with same name of attribute group. (OR-1559)
- Service charge column is removed in various reports. (OR-1498)
- Large tax rate is not showing in edit tax rate dialogue. (OR-1506)
- Custom payment name should be wrapped. (OR-1507)
- Removed buttons from closed ticket order info dialogue. (OR-1512)
- Variant parent menu item shouldn’t be appeared in the search bar. (OR-1513)
- Search bar was not working in retail order type. (OR-1523)
- Price can be negative in miscellaneous item. (OR-1524)
- Coupon / discount missing when expire date was current date. (OR-1525)
- Ticket discount is appearing on item discount. (OR-1526)
- Same coupon name could be added. (OR-1527)
- Decimal button was not working in drawer bleed amount dialogue. (OR-1533)
- Main currency was not update when void payment in closed ticket. (OR-1534)
- Combo child item quantity shouldn’t be multiply with main combo item quantity. (OR-1539)
- Decimal places rule should be applied in closed tickets explorer. (OR-1542)
- Overlapping occurs in staff bank report. (OR-1543)
- Calculation error occurs in multi-currency payment system. (OR-1544)
- Column text missing in delivery summary report. (OR-1546)
- Sync failure. (OR-1548)
- Report font size should be similar. (OR-1549)
- Root user could be deleted. (OR-1550)
- Character capitalization was showing wrong. (OR-1551)
- Deleted variant was showing in the order view. (OR-1555)
- Condition of price rules shouldn’t be identical. (OR-1556)
- Price shift time shouldn’t be same. (OR-1558)
- Deleted menu category name & id was showing in database. (OR-1566)
- In combo box combo menu item was not showing properly. (OR-1568)
- Removed employee and terminal combo box in session summary report. (OR-1570)
- When searched item by bar code it wasn’t found in pizza explorer. (OR-1572)
- Edit modifier dialogue size was inappropriate. (OR-1575)
- Price could be negative in pizza modifier. (OR-1576)
- In variant tab while clicking some variants unexpected send report button appeared. (OR-1580)
- Removed currency symbol from tax rate explorer. (OR-1617)
- Main currency was updating when ticket settle by gift card /card /customer account. (OR-1622)
- Delete button should disable when settled return ticket. (OR-1641)
- Inventory adjustment. (OR-1642)
- An unexpected send report button was appeared in terminal configuration. (OR-1645)
- Voiding gift card balances. (OR-1647)
- All kinds of kitchen printer should be shown in kds filter dialogue. (OR-1664)
- Retail curser. (OR-1672)