New features:
- Added a new rounding option named ” Enable 10cent rounding” in the store configuration charges tab. When the user mark this option rounding option will be followed this rule: 1c-4c rounds down to 0c and 5c-9c rounds up to 10c. For example, if the total amount is 50.54$ then the total amount will be shown 50.50$ for that new rounding rule. Also, 50.55$ will be shown 50.60$. (OR-2802)
- Now rounding amount will be shown in the ticket receipt. (OR-2810)
- In the sales balance report, server summary report, and store session summary report rounding amount will be shown. ( OR-2809)
- Now opening hours can be configured from store configuration. We also added two options ” Daily report of current day and Daily report of last working day” in the job scheduler frequency combo box so that users can be able to send a daily report at their flexible time. (OR-2804)
- Now the user will be redirected to the ticket view after scanning the customer member id. (OR-2805)
- Added a new option name “Allow unit wise selection” in the menu item edit dialog. A unit selection dialog should appear while adding a allow unit wise selection checked item from order view. ( OR-2801)
- Now refund amount will be shown in the payment section on the settlement page. (OR-2776)
- we added a new option store configuration miscellaneous tab name ” Show unit name instead of unit code on receipt”. If the user marks this option unit name will be shown instead of the unit code on the receipt.
- Now user can be able to see the user password from the user edit dialog. (OR-2727)
- Added as user combo box in cash drawer report. (OR-2687)
Bug fixes:
- Combo child item quantity was increased after splitting the ticket. (OR-2419)
- The email button didn’t work in the transaction completed dialog. (OR-2603)
- The loyalty point was calculating the wrong value when settling tickets. (OR-2622)
- An error message was showing while trying to enable allow unit selection for variant items. (OR-2642)
- An unexpected send report button appeared while confirming split online tickets. (OR-2647)
- The wrong discount amount was showing in the settlement dialog. (OR-2664)
- Units were not updating frequently in the variant children. (OR-2681)
- An exception occurred in the terminal when printing the cash drawer report.(OR-2722)
- Message property was missing in the card and custom payment report. (OR-2725)
- Refresh was not working properly in the menu page designer. (OR-2769)
- The minimum amount condition was not working properly in ticket discount. (OR-2773)
- Could not prepare statement dialog appeared while forcefully clocking out the only user. (OR-2782)
- The wrong quantity was showing while ordering the pizza item. (OR-2785)
- Unit code was not showing for single quantity items in the order details section. (OR-2800)
- Null pointer exception occurred in the terminal during modifier selection in Oropos. (OR-2806)
- Database creation was failed for the first time while creating a database from Oropos. ( OR-2808)